Products Physiotherapy Cohesbant

What is Cohesbant?

Is a new technology depending on application of Cohesion Force concept

as the bandage coheres to itself, but does not adhere to other surfaces (skin or hair).


Made from crepe fabric which is a non-woven material (Cotton / Elastane)  ,

Latex-free cohesive material

Why is Cohesbant?

·         Optimum levels of user comfort and Pain-free removal…….Bonds not to the skin but to itself

·         Uniform compression….. exceptional quality cohesive bandages

·         Able to conform to any part of body …..even to areas of the body with irregular shape (head –breast)

·         Various levels of compression to fit the situation….. You can stretch it tightly to provide heavy compression to a severely bleeding wound.

But be careful....... Do Not wrap them too tightly to avoid interfering with circulation.

·         Non-slip support ….do not require a clip to fasten them together due to the cohesive nature

·        Do not loosen over time

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